First and Last, by Melvyn Clark

First and Last, by Melvyn Clark

  When I first met Elden Carl and Pauline Read some four years ago in Mulege, Baja California, I had a little less than 10,000 miles on my 2003 KLR650. I remember that he was very scathing of all the gear I was carrying. Little did I realize that after four years I would ring […]

“Meredith” has KLR Transmission Problem

“Meredith” has KLR Transmission Problem

Several months ago, Jay Bass, Rod Morris, and I were north bound in Baja near Punta Prieta when we passed three north bound KLR650s which we later found out were piloted by Phillip Orth of Sierra Vista, Arizona and two female companions. Meredith, one of the two ladies, phoned me the other day from Mexico […]