Product Highlight – Top Gun KLR650 Chainmaster

Product Highlight – Top Gun KLR650 Chainmaster

KLR-650 Chain Master Upper Chain Run Control Device* (*Engineered using a stock KLR-650 with properly adjusted chain.)   You know we are big fans of the KLR-650 and we think it’s one of the two finest big-bore multisurface motorcycles on the market. For some reason though, the folks at Kawasaki have produced a motorcycle for […]

Roll-On With Rod

Roll-On With Rod

I called Rod Morris and he suggested we meet at Bell Valley east of Potrero on Hwy 94 for a roll-on test between my stock 2004 KL-A model and his 1999 KL-A model. Rod

Air Filtration

Air Filtration

Some guy on one of the Internet sites wrote recently that I had been riding off road bikes since before there was dirt and that I had forgotten more than most people ever knew about KLR650