Note: Due to time constraints, Webmaster Mark at www.multisurfacemotorcycling.com will
no longer be adding a monthly “Fuel For Thought” article. He will however, continue to
maintain the website with its treasure trove of informative articles, procedures, and all of
the past Fuels. MMP will still operate its storefront from the site as well. We want to take a
moment to thank Mark for all of his hard work. If you have ever worked on a website, you’ll
know how much time and effort it takes to compile a site like MSM, especially one that is
well-organized, attractive, and functional. Thanks again, Mark!
Glossary of terms and abbreviations:
MSM – multisurface motorcycle
ST – suspension triad (seat, shock aborber/forks, tires)
MMP – Multisurface Motorcycle Products
TGMP – Top Gun Motorcycle Products
MSM Weight Classifications (w/3 gals of gas):
Lightweight (LW) – up to 250lbs
Middleweight (MW) – 251lbs – 300lbs
Light-Heavyweight (LHW) – 301lbs – 350lbs
Heavyweight (HW) – 351lbs – 400lbs
KLR Iron Butt Rider Gets Promotion
Awhile back we took a used and abused KLR650 and turned it into a comfy