Mel Clark is originally from England and has been touring the North and South America
Continents for about 5 years on a KLR650. His original 2004 KLR finally had to be
replaced at 90,000 plus miles. While in San Diego he was able to purchase a new 2007
KLR650 and after a Top Gun prep, continued another 6 months traveling in Canada and
the US. In September 2008 he re-entered Baja at Tecate, Mexico with his ultimate
destination being Argentina. Mel will keep us updated on his travels via e-mail and we
would like to share them with you as follows.
September 23, 2008
Well, I’m very happily south of San Quintin and en route to Catavinia. As I was riding
through the pit of San Quintin I saw a sign for “Viejas” and for a split second I thought to
go in to see if they could get me out of this hole. I can’t believe that when I rode up
before, I thought Baja was the best part of Mexico. Well that now fills me with dread for
when I have to catch a ferry across to the mainland, as I have been, and am nauseated
by most of Baja so far. Elden is welcome to it. I do have to mention that I have had the
“Mexican trots” for 8 days now. A record for me, but one I’m not so proud of. But maybe
my internal situation is a reflection of the external!!!