Power to the KLR650 and DR650

There’s always been a long list of negatives attached to the KLR650 that goes all the
way back the the first models and continues through today. Makes you wonder why it’s
one of the most popular all around bikes on the market. It doesn’t do any one thing
especially well, but it does seem to do everything needed.

One of the areas talked about most is the lack of good usable power and how to boost it
to a more fun level. I feel the same way and have discussed this issue with several top
mechanics that understand the KLR and what happens when increasing horsepower in
big singles. Elden Carl has spent untold hours over the years on every aspect to the
KLR and can be credited with developing most of the improvements that we all enjoy
today. I’ve paid very close attention to Eden’s findings when it comes to increasing power
in the KLR and I soon became a staunch advocate of not over-boring which can cause
heating problems resulting in a warped sleeve and excessive oil consumption.

We’ve been consulting with several engine experts on the virtues of using a high
compression forged piston with either the KLR or DR. The jury is still out on whether
bumping the compression one point on the KLR would be a wise decision due to
possible overheating. Two negative things could happen with higher compression: more
heat and the requirement for premium fuel. On the bright side, the engine would actually
produce less pollution by having more efficient combustion. How about more power you
ask? Some unknown amount would occur, we just don’t know how much. Right now we
feel fairly good about using one in the DR650 but we would like to do some hands-on
testing before offering it to the public. We want better performance without affecting gas
mileage or reliability with the added bonus of lower pollutants.

What Does Dan Think?, by Rod Morris

More than two years ago you guys swapped out my rear spring in Elden’s garage as I
was departing for a five day Baja trip. 1,000 miles later I wrote back with a raving review
of this simple and inexpensive upgrade for my 07 KLR650. I stated it simply as the single
best upgrade and I’ve done quite a few to my KLR. So, here we are some two years and
10,000 miles later. I just finished reading Rod’s Fuel for Thought article relating to this
same upgrade and just wanted to express my gratitude once more. I stand behind my
original endorsement of your product more so now than ever.

Thank you guys so much for contributing as much as you have to the KLR650

Best regards, Dan C. (Los Angeles,CA)

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